In case, you do not know... we have 5 senses. They are the sense of sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch. Many pupils like to mix them up with the sense organs. Sense organs are parts of our body, so our 5 sense organs are eyes, nose, ears, tongue and skin. I do not know why, but many pupils like to spell tongue wrongly. They also like to put mouth and their hands as sense organs. Please!! Other parts of your body can also feel, it is not just the hand!
Our senses enable us to observe and detect changes in our surrounding, so that we can take care of ourselves.
Skin. Our skin allows us to feel and know its properties. We know whether an object is hard or soft, warm or cold, sharp or blunt when we touch it. It also protects us. When we feel pain, we will withdraw our body from the object. Anyone of you will let me pinch you and you do not feel any pain??
Eyes. Our eyes enable us to observe properties of an object. We know the colours, shapes and sizes. They also help use to count, recognize things and look for things. People who are blind have to make use of other senses to make up for their disadvantage.
Ears. Our ears enable us to distinguish sounds. Sounds can be pleasant or unpleasant, loud or soft, high or low pitched. Our eyes also tells us where sounds come from. That's why we also try to get our friends to talk to us so that we can find their hiding place when we play hide-and-seek.
Nose. Our nose distinguish pleasant and unpleasant smells. It warns us about changes in the environment. Would you want to eat something that smells really bad? You will also know when Mummy has something that is overcooked from the smell.
Tongue. Our tongue enable use to distinguish the four types of taste; sweet, sour, salty and bitter. People who pierce their tongue will not be able to taste as well as us.
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